Author Rachel Preston Prinz and contributing authors discuss the history, research, design issues, and evolution of Earthships, drawing on the knowledge of thousands of builders, craftsmen, and designers who have mastered the art of earth sheltering. Then, they walk readers step by step through design, offering a wealth of resources that can inspire, inform, and educate. Within, readers will find the tools needed to understand their place's culture, architecture, and climate... and the ideal building methods for their climate, personality, values, and budget.
Finding the balance between all these desires is a delicate and lengthy process of discernment, study, and goal-setting. That is what this book aims to help you do.
Chapter 1 THE EARTHSHIP REALITY PROJECT discusses the issues and resolutions of the design.
Chapter 2 THE SCIENCE: ACADEMIC RESEARCH AND TIRE OFF-GASSING reviews academic and scientific research.
Chapter 3 A WAY FORWARD discusses financing and insurance, minimizing waste, managing the complexities of the build, visioning, and Code requirements.
Chapter 4 THE BUILDING'S CONTEXT AND SITE addresses the site and landscape.
Chapter 5 DESIGNING FOR THERMAL COMFORT addresses natural, mechanical, and design options for improving thermal performance. Topics covered include passive solar design; thermal mass versus insulation; earth-coupling versus earth-sheltering; thermal and moisture protection; and natural ventilation.
Chapter 6 THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM addresses the ways we can form the building's structure.
Chapter 7 THE ENCLOSURE SYSTEM outlines the construction of the building's envelope or skin. We discuss traditional earthship building blocks like tire, glass, and can walls, as well as alternative systems like adobe, cob, rammed earth, earthbags, wood block concrete forms, timber frame, log, cordwood, and strawbale buildings. We also cover various roofing options as well as doors and windows.
Chapter 8 ROOMS, SPACES, COLORS, & TEXTURES discusses how we can create a home we love.
Chapter 9 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS outlines basic mechanical, electrical, and plumbing considerations, especially on-grid systems since those are what make an Earthship most affordable.
Chapter 10 IMBUING SPACE WITH SPIRIT - "The WooWoo Chapter" addresses psychological and spiritual aspects of design and covers topics including psychology of space and color, locating power spots, astrologically-correct timing, and Feng Shui and Vaastu.
Chapter 12 OVERWHELMED? NEED HELP? discusses some helpful tips if you hire an architect or residential designer .
The APPENDICES offer resources and...