LIFE The Beauty of Birds
LIFE: Birds
Why Humans Love Birds • The Colors, the Songs, the Majesty of Flight
Bold and Beautiful • Some birds are as brightly colorful as anything in the natural world. And each has a story of its own.
How Birds Think • Judging animal intelligence can be a challenge, but birds have ways of showing their smarts.
Jurassic Origins • Birds are evolutionary descendants of dinosaurs, which helps explain why they are among the most diverse creatures on earth.
Darwin’s Discovery • What the great scientist found in finches led to the theory of evolution.
Birds of Prey • Also known as raptors, these hypercarnivorous birds hunt actively with their strong talons, sharp beaks, and killer instincts.
Self-Reflection • Do birds really know themselves? A cowbird offers insight. A renowned birder weighs in.
Birds and Us • From the lovebirds we live with to the finches at the feeder, these are birds that spend time with humans.
Watching and Learning • Bird watching teaches us patience and keeps us calm. The practice also supports the conservation of the rarest species.
Wacky and Wonderful • Quirky plumage, distinctive bills, and eccentric markings: These are not the kinds of birds you see every day.
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